Best of the best |
大内 彩子 |
藤澤 茂義 (時空間認知神経生理学研究チーム) |
Grid representation for predicting future pathways |
Pillar 1 |
1st Place |
小笠原 香苗 |
小池 耕彦 (個体間脳ダイナミクス連携ユニット) |
The effects of psychological pressure on perceptual decision-making |
Pillar 1 |
2nd Place |
Binglun LI |
松崎 政紀 (脳機能動態学連携研究チーム) |
Exploring the neural basis of mirror neuron system through calcium imaging in marmosets |
Pillar 1 |
3rd Place |
渡我部 昭哉 |
下郡 智美 (脳発達分子メカニズム研究チーム) |
Columnar connections of the marmoset prefrontal cortex |
Pillar 1 |
3rd Place |
佐藤 文昭 |
玉置 應子 (認知睡眠学理研白眉研究チーム) |
Human visual recognition is reshaped by spontaneous brain activity during sleep |
Pillar 2 |
1st Place |
松田 光司 |
久保 郁 (知覚運動統合機構研究チーム) |
Molecular labeling of direction-selective pretectal neuron subsets using CaMPARI-seq |
Pillar 2 |
1st Place |
Xiaowei Gu |
Joshua Johansen (学習・記憶神経回路研究チーム) |
The mechanism underlying the involvement of rat mPFC in the inference of aversive memory |
Pillar 2 |
1st Place |
Fangke XU |
Adrian Moore (神経細胞多様性研究チーム) |
Activity Dependent Transcriptomic Changes in Periphery Nociceptors Regulate Growth and Feeding |
Pillar 2 |
2nd Place |
春日 優佑 |
Joshua Johansen (学習・記憶神経回路研究チーム) |
A neural circuit targeting technique for investigating functional input-output organization in the nervous system |
Pillar 2 |
2nd Place |
Kunlin HSIEH |
Joshua Johansen (学習・記憶神経回路研究チーム) |
The role of central amygdala in respiratory interoception during reward seeking |
Pillar 3 |
1st Place |
助田 一晟 |
松田 孟留 (統計数理連携ユニット) |
Regularized score matching of torus graph model applied to EEG phase-based connectivity analyses |
Pillar 3 |
2nd Place |
吉田 健祐 |
豊泉 太郎 (数理脳科学研究チーム) |
A theoretical model of schema learning during sleep |
Pillar 4 |
1st Place |
佐藤 海 |
田中 元雅 (タンパク質構造疾患研究チーム) |
mRNA translation dynamics in excitatory neurons of mice under chronic social defeat stress-induced depression |
Pillar 4 |
2nd Place |
盛戸 貴裕 |
西道 隆臣 (神経老化制御研究チーム) |
Introducing Three Pathogenic Mutations into Human MAPT Knock-in Mouse Yields a Novel Model for Four-Repeat Tauopathies |
Pillar 4 |
2nd Place |
長谷川 祐子 |
中冨 浩文 (神経動態医科学連携研究チーム) |
Characterization of Surgical Specimens from Patients with Brain Arteriovenous Malformations and Investigation of the Pathological Mechanisms Driving Disease Progression |
Pillar 4 |
2nd Place |
丹羽 優希 |
髙田 篤 (分子精神病理研究チーム) |
Unexpected opposite phenotypes between two mice models of schizophrenia with high etiological validity |
Pillar 4 |
2nd Place |
大熊 ラーナ |
中冨 浩文 (神経動態医科学連携研究チーム) |
Exploration of inhibitory compounds that mitigate intracranial aneurysms arising from somatic mutations |