Poster Awardees
賞 | 受賞者名 | 所属研究室 | ポスタータイトル | |
Best of the best | 大内 彩子 | 藤澤 茂義 (時空間認知神経生理学研究チーム) | Grid representation for predicting future pathways | |
Pillar 1 | 1st Place | 小笠原 香苗 | 小池 耕彦 (個体間脳ダイナミクス連携ユニット) | The effects of psychological pressure on perceptual decision-making |
Pillar 1 | 2nd Place | Binglun LI | 松崎 政紀 (脳機能動態学連携研究チーム) | Exploring the neural basis of mirror neuron system through calcium imaging in marmosets |
Pillar 1 | 3rd Place | 渡我部 昭哉 | 下郡 智美 (脳発達分子メカニズム研究チーム) | Columnar connections of the marmoset prefrontal cortex |
Pillar 1 | 3rd Place | 佐藤 文昭 | 玉置 應子 (認知睡眠学理研白眉研究チーム) | Human visual recognition is reshaped by spontaneous brain activity during sleep |
Pillar 2 | 1st Place | 松田 光司 | 久保 郁 (知覚運動統合機構研究チーム) | Molecular labeling of direction-selective pretectal neuron subsets using CaMPARI-seq |
Pillar 2 | 1st Place | Xiaowei Gu | Joshua Johansen (学習・記憶神経回路研究チーム) | The mechanism underlying the involvement of rat mPFC in the inference of aversive memory |
Pillar 2 | 1st Place | Fangke XU | Adrian Moore (神経細胞多様性研究チーム) | Activity Dependent Transcriptomic Changes in Periphery Nociceptors Regulate Growth and Feeding |
Pillar 2 | 2nd Place | 春日 優佑 | Joshua Johansen (学習・記憶神経回路研究チーム) | A neural circuit targeting technique for investigating functional input-output organization in the nervous system |
Pillar 2 | 2nd Place | Kunlin HSIEH | Joshua Johansen (学習・記憶神経回路研究チーム) | The role of central amygdala in respiratory interoception during reward seeking |
Pillar 3 | 1st Place | 助田 一晟 | 松田 孟留 (統計数理連携ユニット) | Regularized score matching of torus graph model applied to EEG phase-based connectivity analyses |
Pillar 3 | 2nd Place | 吉田 健祐 | 豊泉 太郎 (数理脳科学研究チーム) | A theoretical model of schema learning during sleep |
Pillar 4 | 1st Place | 佐藤 海 | 田中 元雅 (タンパク質構造疾患研究チーム) | mRNA translation dynamics in excitatory neurons of mice under chronic social defeat stress-induced depression |
Pillar 4 | 2nd Place | 盛戸 貴裕 | 西道 隆臣 (神経老化制御研究チーム) | Introducing Three Pathogenic Mutations into Human MAPT Knock-in Mouse Yields a Novel Model for Four-Repeat Tauopathies |
Pillar 4 | 2nd Place | 長谷川 祐子 | 中冨 浩文 (神経動態医科学連携研究チーム) | Characterization of Surgical Specimens from Patients with Brain Arteriovenous Malformations and Investigation of the Pathological Mechanisms Driving Disease Progression |
Pillar 4 | 2nd Place | 丹羽 優希 | 髙田 篤 (分子精神病理研究チーム) | Unexpected opposite phenotypes between two mice models of schizophrenia with high etiological validity |
Pillar 4 | 2nd Place | 大熊 ラーナ | 中冨 浩文 (神経動態医科学連携研究チーム) | Exploration of inhibitory compounds that mitigate intracranial aneurysms arising from somatic mutations |
Ayako Ouchi
Special Postdoctoral ResearcherI am very honored to receive the best of best prize in the poster session of the CBS Retreat 2024. I have learned a lot through my publication from last year to this year. Through the poster presentation, it was a great opportunity to encourage me to work hard again for the next project. At the retreat, I had many opportunities to talk with researchers of theoretical models, and we talked about collaboration in the near future, which was very meaningful. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone involved in organizing this year’s retreat and to Dr. Fujisawa, who has been a mentor to me.
Fangke XU
Special Postdoctoral ResearcherThank the retreat committee and HD team for orgnizing this year’s retreat. I am truely hornor to receive the poster prize. Preparing the poster gave me an valuable opportunity to reflect on the overall narrative of my work from the audience’s perspective. I am also deeply grateful for all the feedbacks and suggestions I received. It was inspiring to hear and learn about other collegues’ research as well. Thanks to the organizers, I was able to connect with both old and new friends from different labs while enjoying the beautiful view of Mt. Fuji. It was an amazing retreat experience.
Issey Sukeda
Junior Research Associate, 1st year PhD (UTokyo)It is an honor to receive the 1st place award in the Theory/Tech Pillar. This was my second time attending the retreat, and it was truly an enjoyable experience. I had the incredible opportunity to learn about the exciting neuroscience research in CBS, which was deeply inspiring. I’m grateful for the thoughtful and constructive feedback on my work, especially given my background in statistical methodology and my relatively limited experience in neuroscience. In addition to the formal seminars and poster sessions, I also had a fantastic time at the lodge, where I was able to meet new colleagues and friends. Thank you to everyone who made this retreat!
Kai Sato
Postdoctoral ResearcherI am very honored to receive this prestigious award at the CBS Retreat 2024.The CBS Retreat has been a very meaningful and stimulating experience in my research work, as it provides a valuable opportunity to participate in discussions with a diverse group of people. In fact, I was able to further my research based on the suggestions I got from last year’s Retreat.
However, this year’s Retreat offered few opportunities for young researchers and students to make presentations, so I sincerely hope that future events will have sessions organized by young researchers and students.
Koji Matsuda
Research ScientistI am deeply honored to have been selected for 1st Place in Pillar 2. The poster session at RIKEN CBS was an incredibly stimulating and meaningful experience for me. I am sincerely grateful for this invaluable opportunity. I would also like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my lab mentors for their continuous guidance and to everyone involved in organizing and managing the retreat. I am encouraged by this award, and I am more determined than ever to dedicate myself to further advancing my research.
Kanae Ogasawara
Postdoctoral ResearcherIt is a great honor for me to receive 1st place of Pillar 1 at the CBS Retreat 2024. About a year ago, I experienced extreme nervousness at one of the seminars, , where my mind went completely blank and I froze during the Q&A session – a real case of “choking”, and that made me lose my confidence I could continue research activities in CBS. At last retreat, I enjoyed to share the excitement of my research and engage in discussions, and this experience could revive my confidence that my research in the right direction. I will continue to strive every day to present even more exciting research next year.
Xiaowei Gu
Postdoctoral ResearcherIt is such an honor that I can receive the poster award of CBS retreat 2024. I really enjoyed the trip near to Mount Fuji with fascinating view. Something more attractive than the sightseeing is the communication with other researchers of CBS in such a causal atmosphere. It was a great opportunity to get new ideas and inspirations from the discussion. I was also motivated for new findings after this enjoyable retreat.