Past Events
The 3rd RIKEN CBS Co-Creation International Conference
RIKEN Wako Campus
CBS-NTU Symposium: Showcasing Research from CBS and NTU: Fostering Potential Collaboration
RIKEN Wako Campus
The first Symposium for Alliance for Brain Science [UTokyo-Teikyo-RIKEN] "A Venture into the Universe of the Athlete's Brain from a Cognitive Neuroscience"
Brain Medical Science Collaboration Division The 3rd Joint Poster Presentation for Young Scientists
2nd RIKEN CBS Co-Creation International Conference & Brain Medical Science Collaboration Division, The 2nd Joint Poster Presentation for Young Scientists
RIKEN Wako Campus
Brain Medical Science Collaboration Division
The 1st Joint Poster Presentation for Young Scientist
CBS Collaborative International Conference
Ohkouchi Hall, RIKEN Wako Campus
CBS Collaborative International Conference
Ohkouchi Hall, RIKEN Wako Campus
Symposiums by Brain/MINDS and Brain/MINDS Beyond (Domestic Symposium)
神経回路の可視化による脳の理解と精神・神経疾患の病態解明を繋ぐ ―技術革新とデータベース国際化の先に見えてきたゲームチェンジャー―
Announcement of Symposiums by Brain/MINDS and Brain/MINDS Beyond (International)
International Symposium of Brain Projects, Brain/MINDS and Brain/MINDS Beyond: Brain Circuits, Dynamics, and Functions/Dysfunctions
RIKEN CBS Joint Graduate School Program - Online Information Session
Seminar Series for Joint East-West Early Language Project #6
Bootstrapping the beginnings of word order: how frequency and prosody cue functors, content words and their relative order in infants
(Online event)
Introduction of Joint Graduate School Program promoted by Center for Brain Science(CBS)
(Online event)
RIKEN and UCSF Neuroscience Symposium
(Online event)
Masao Ito Memorial Symposium
Ito International Research Center
RIKEN CBS Kick-off Symposium
MYPLAZA Hall (2-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo)