Announcement of Symposiums by Brain/MINDS and Brain/MINDS Beyond
The Brain Mapping by Integrated Neurotechnologies for Disease Studies (Brain/MINDS) at RIKEN and the Strategic International Brain Science Research Promotion Program (Brain/MINDS Beyond) at NIPS will co-host symposiums. In this 2-days symposium, we aim to share cutting-edge developments in the field of brain sciences and to discuss about future directions. We look forward to seeing you there.
International Symposium
International Symposium of Brain Projects, Brain/MINDS and Brain/MINDS Beyond:
Brain Circuits, Dynamics, and Functions/Dysfunctions- Date: 9:30-18:30 Friday, June 24, 2022
- Event format: Online(Zoom)
- Audience: Researchers in the field of life science
- Language: English
- Details:
Domestic Symposium
―技術革新とデータベース国際化の先に見えてきたゲームチェンジャー―- Date: 9:30-16:15 Saturday, June 25, 2022
- Event format: Hybrid, Online Viewing / On-site lectures will be live-streamed.
- Audience: Researchers in the field of life science
- Language: Japanese(No simultaneous interpretation)
- Details:
- Fee: Free, Registration required
- Contact: BM-BMB Symposium Secretariat:
Brain/MINDS Office: