RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) explores the mysteries of the brain—one of the ultimate frontiers in natural science—carrying out research at all levels, from cells to organisms and social systems, with the goal of returning those results to society.
AWARDShigeo Okabe and Nobutaka Hattori receive the Japan Academy Prize
AWARDShigeyoshi Fujisawa receives the 39th Nakaakira Tsukahara Memorial Award from the Brain Science Foundation
Positive emotions plus deep sleep equals longer-lasting perceptual memories
How group size affects cooperation: Insights from brain science
NEURO SQUARE “Finding a Breakthrough —Towards Overcoming Alzheimer's Disease" by Hiroki Sasaguri
In memory of Lynn T. Landmesser (1943–2024)
Research proposals selected for the CBS Co-Creation of Knowledge Project
— Co-Creation Laboratory -
AWARDKenji Itao receives the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
EVENTSThe 3rd RIKEN CBS Co-Creation International Conference
Comment from Dr. Shun-ichi Amari, RIKEN Honorary Science Advisor, Former Director, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, regarding the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics
AWARDTerufumi Fujiwara receives the Yoshida Prize for Young Researchers 2024
Oct. 29: The first Symposium for Alliance for Brain Science [UTokyo-Teikyo-RIKEN] "A Venture into the Universe of the Athlete's Brain from a Cognitive Neuroscience"
NEURO SQUARE “The mechanism of the brain speculating on the mind of oneself and others —How contrarians benefit everyone” by Kentaro Miyamoto
PRESSNavigating the future: brain cells that plan where to go
PRESSDopamine treatment alleviates symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease
AWARDJun Nagai receives the Award for Distinguished Investigator of Japanese Society for Neurochemistry
AWARDKen-ichi Dewa receives the Award for Young Investigator of Japanese Society for Neurochemistry
AWARDKensuke Yoshida receives the Toshihiko Tokizane Memorial Award for Excellent Graduate Study in Neuroscience
NEURO SQUARE “Unraveling the brain’s mechanism of information integration using tiny worms” by Asuka Takeishi
NEURO SQUARE "Constructing emotion in neural circuits" by Joshua Johansen
HIGHLIGHTMidbrain dopamine neurons can retain short-term memories
HIGHLIGHTHow the hippocampus records memories in stereo
PRESSAdvancing Towards Safe and Effective Topical Mosquito Repellents Against Dengue (Kao Press Release)
PRESSBrainless memory makes the spinal cord smarter than previously thought
AWARDTakuya Isomura receives the Commendation for Science and Technology by MEXT
AWARDThomas McHugh receives the 32nd Kihara Memorial Foundation Academic Award
NEWSSmelling danger in the water: Schreckstoff mystery solved after 86 years!
NEWSFluorescent protein outshines the competition when imaging cells
NEWSGenomic “butterfly effect” explains risk for autism spectrum disorder
HIGHLIGHTArtificial intelligence shares our confidence bias
HIGHLIGHTHow molecules in the zebrafish brain indicate it’s time to quit a fight
HIGHLIGHTTreating brain aneurysms before they burst
HIGHLIGHTMapping connections of the marmoset prefrontal cortex
HIGHLIGHTExtra-large synapses could be a cause of schizophrenia
VIDEONEURO SQUARE “Combining human intelligence with computers—Does it rely on brain fluctuations?” by Taro Toyoizumi
VIDEONEURO SQUARE “When democracy for neurons collapses” by Akiko Hayashi-Takagi
PRESSThe mutant origin of brain aneurysms and the first drug treatment
VIDEONEURO SQUARE “Rejuvenating aging brains — Revitalization and memory recovery using neural stem cells” by Ryoichiro Kageyama
VIDEONEURO SQUARE “Unconscious Imaginations” by Hakwan Lau