“Neural dynamics of naturalistic cognition”
Dr. Won Mok Shim
Associate Professor, Sungkyunkwan University
Monday, October 31 2022, 14:20-15:10
There has been heightened interest in using movie viewing as a tool to examine ecologically valid brain functions required for processing sensory and social information under naturalistic settings. Our recent work used narrative movies to investigate how the human brain constructs coherent narrative structures from a stream of temporal information. We discuss how large-scale functional brain networks are reconfigured as the narrative unfolds, how functional connectivity patterns predict individual differences in narrative comprehension, and how deep language models can help characterize narrative features that are critical to human comprehension. More broadly, we discuss how characteristic latent brain states that are linked to the current attentional state can emerge under a range of naturalistic and structured task settings. Overall, our work provides insight into the dynamics of brain states associated with distinct cognitive states during naturalistic cognition.