“Integrating positive illusions - from molecules to functional brain networks, to embodiment”
Dr. Makiko Yamada
Team Leader, National Institute for Quantum Science and Technology
Tuesday, November 1 2022, 11:40-12:30
Cognitive biases (cognitive distortions and illusions) such as biased views and assumptions have long been studied in cognitive science, social psychology, and behavioral economics. They can lead to what is widely referred to as irrationality in behavioral economics, such as erroneous judgments and illogical interpretations, but on the other hand, they also have adaptive aspects, such as self-serving interpretations that lead to mental and physical health. My talk will focus on "positive illusions," which are positively biased interpretations of oneself, and will provide an overview of their effects from a psychological perspective and outline the relationship between positive illusions and the brain and body.