CBS Brain Science Seminar Series(CBSS)

Dr. Anna Molofsky



Monday, July 1, 15:40-17:00


Cytokine regulation of brain development and plasticity


Registration Required.
CBS members should register at the CBSS.

  • Registration is valid for one year.
    You will receive an invitation mail from Zoom once you complete your registration.
    The zoom invitation mail will be sent 2-3 days before each seminar.
  • The registration deadline is NOON, three business days (JST) before each lecture date for first-time registrants.
    After the deadline, you will not be able to participate in the seminar.
  • Participation is limited only for researchers affiliated to research or academic institutions.
    Please provide an email address issued by your university/research institute.
    We cannot accept free email addresses such as gmail/hotmail/yahoo.

Be aware that your invitation e-mail for the CBSS may be incorrectly placed in your SPAM mailbox. If you cannot find the invitation mail, please check your SPAM mailbox, just in case. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.

For inquiries