CBS Brain Science Seminar Series(CBSS)
Dr. Karen Duff

Dr. Karen Duff, UCL


Thursday, August 17, 2023, 17:00-18:30 (JST)


Insights into pathological mechanisms in AD and FTD

Pathology composed of abnormal tau protein is a common feature of neurodegenerative diseases. Tau pathology (tauopathy) is one of the two hallmark pathologies in Alzheimer’s disease, and it is the main pathology in frontotemporal lobe dementia linked to chromosome 17 (FTD-tau). The distribution of pathological tau in the brain of patients with AD and FTD-tau is highly predicable, and as disease worsens, it spreads transynaptically from initial regions of vulnerability. Using a combination of techniques and new cell and mouse models, we have examined the mechanisms and consequences of abnormal tau accumulation within neurons and its transfer between cells.

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