Online Brain Science Seminar Series (BSS)

Online Brain Science Seminar Series(Online BSS)
Dr. Ila Fiete

Dr. Ila Fiete, McGovern Institute, MIT


Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 2021, 9:00-10:30 (JST) (Jan. 25, 19:00-20:30 EST)

Title / Abstract

The emergence and functioning of high-capacity and flexible cognitive codes

Generalizably solving complex problems involves decomposing them into simpler components and combining these parts in effective ways to solve new instances. The hippocampal complex has been a rich playground for understanding how the brain constructs and combines modular structures for flexible computation. I will describe recent progress in characterizing the rigid and low-dimensional nature of some of these representations, using theoretical approaches including fully unsupervised topological characterization of neural population codes. I will then discuss models of how these rigid and modular circuits can emerge, and how they can generate, with high capacity and high data-efficiency without rewiring recurrent circuitry, cognitive maps across different variables (e.g. spatial and non-spatial) as well as across varied input dimensions. Finally, I will describe how the low-dimensional multi-periodic structure of grid cells serves as a scaffold that visibly undergirds the population-level responses of hippocampal place cells.

Prior registration required (deadline: Noon Jan. 24, 2021)

Those who have already registered for 2021-2022 series⇒ No need to register again.
1st time registrant⇒go to registration.


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