CBS Young Investigators' Seminar (YIS) and Social

  • 佐藤香織

    • 神経老化制御研究チーム 大学院生リサーチアソシエイト
    • Talked about:
      “Recent advancement in modeling Alzheimer’s disease”
    YISではCBSラボから多様な研究者による発表がなされますが、特にまだ経験の浅い学生や若手にとって、英語でプレゼンテーションを行う良い機会であると思います。 また、PIを含めて普段関わることがない研究者からも直接アドバイスをいただくこともできます。 新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大により、現在はオンラインでの開催ですが、最近は会議や学会が当たり前のようにオンラインで開かれているため、発表者に選ばれたら「練習する良いチャンス」と考えて取り組むことができます。当日は緊張感もありましたが、発表やそれまでに準備したことは私にとって大きな財産となりました。
  • 吉田健祐

    • 東京大学博士課程
      数理脳科学研究チーム 研修生
    • Talked about:
      “Slow wave and synaptic plasticity during sleep maximize information transmission in a spiking neuron model”
  • 加藤郁佳

    • 知覚神経回路機構研究チーム リサーチアソシエイト
    • Talked about:
      “A research on the circuit mechanism of sensory perception”
  • 大西公平

    • 脳発達分子メカニズム研究チーム 研究員
    • Talked about:
      “Local dendritic development of mPFC layer 2 neurons is controlled by mediodorsal thalamus input”
  • 小尾紀翔

    • 多階層精神疾患研究チーム 研修生
    • Talked about:
      “Extra-large spines distort neuronal computation in synaptic disorders”
  • Javier Orlandi Gomez

    The Young Investigators' Seminar series gives early career researchers the opportunity to share their ongoing work among a select, yet friendly and positive, audience. It is always encouraging to see RIKEN's Team Leaders attending the seminars and providing constructive feedback to young investigators. As a former presenter, the YIS allowed me to gather invaluable input from specialists in other fields that would have been otherwise impossible. It is also a great opportunity to get to know colleagues with common interests, especially in the social events that start right after the seminars.
  • Fatma Rabia Urun

    • Postdoctoral Researcher, Lab for Neurodiversity
    • Talked about:
      “Visualizing Cell Cycle Phase Organization and Control During Neural Linage Elaboration”
    CBS Young Investigators' Seminar (YIS) series was a great chance for me to present my work to my colleagues in CBS. I have been working on my project for many years now and have given oral and poster presentations in the past at different events and seminars, but I can say that the talk I gave for YIS was one of the most enjoyable presentation experiences. I enjoyed giving the YIS talk particularly because, as its name indicates, it is for young investigators to share their work and, as a result, the input received is great and helpful. There are lots of comments, constructive criticism and questions given and all these lead the speaker to look at their project through different lenses. The environment in which the talk is given is very friendly and encouraging for young scientists to engage in scientific discussions. YIS seminars are held online due to COVID-19 regulations. Personally, I find it easier and more fun to give talks online as it is easier to navigate through the talk and my social anxiety. In the past, I used to think that there was no other way of doing talks except going in front of the room, standing on the stage, and presenting while many eyes are turned toward me. However, with online presentations, I feel more at ease and am able to have fun while presenting and discussing my work with my peers and senior colleagues without experiencing social anxiety. I can easily say that my YIS talk was one of the most fun talks I have ever given. I would like to thank organizers for making it a fun experience and recommend my peers to take the chance of presenting their work in the YIS series!