豊川 航, Ph.D.
BTCC 計算論的集団力学連携ユニット ユニットリーダー
wataru.toyokawa [at] riken.jp
- 研究内容
- 主要論文
- プレスリリース・メディア
- メンバーリスト
- Curriculum Vitae
- Wataru Toyokawa’s Website
- Summer School Website
COSMOS Konstanz
- 集団意思決定
- 集合知
- 社会的学習
- 文化進化
- 計算論的モデリング
- * Toyokawa W, and Gaissmaier W.
Conformist social learning leads to self-organised prevention against adverse bias in risky decision making.
eLife, 11:e75308.
10.7554/eLife.75308 - * Kameda T, Toyokawa W, and Tindale RS
Information aggregation and collective intelligence beyond the wisdom of crowds.
Nature Reviews Psychology.
10.1038/s44159-022-00054-y - * Laland KN, Toyokawa W and Oudman T
Animal Learning as a Source of Developmental Bias.
Evolution and Development.
10.1111/ede.12311 - * Toyokawa W, Whalen A and Laland KN.
Social learning strategies regulate the wisdom and madness of interactive crowds.
Nature Human Behaviour, 3: 183-193.
10.1038/s41562-018-0518-x - * Kim H, Toyokawa W & Kameda T.
How do we decide when (not) to free-ride? Risk tolerance predicts adaptation of cooperation levels in new settings.
Evolution and Human Behavior, 40: 55-64.
10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2018.08.001 - * Muthukrishna M, Henrich J, Toyakawa W, Hamamura T, Kameda T, & Heine S J.
Overconfidence is Universal? Elicitation of Genuine Overconfidence (Ego) Method Reveals Systematic Differences Across Domain, Task Knowledge, and Incentives in Four Populations.
PLoS ONE, 13(8): e0202288.
10.1371/journal.pone.0202288 - * Toyokawa W.
Scrounging by foragers can resolve the paradox of enrichment
Royal Society Open Science, 4: 160830.
10.1098/rsos.160830 - * Toyokawa W, Saito Y and Kameda T.
Individual differences in learning behaviours in humans: Asocial exploration tendency does not predict reliance on social learning.
Evolution and Human Behavior, 38 (3): 325-333.
10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2016.11.001 - * Toyokawa W, Kim H and Kameda T.
Human collective intelligence under dual exploration-exploitation dilemmas.
PLoS ONE 9(4): e95789.
10.1371/journal.pone.0095789 - * Kameda T, Wisdom T, Toyokawa W and Inukai K
Is consensus-seeking unique to humans? A selective review of animal group decision-making and its implications for (human) social psychology.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 15, 673-689.
- 豊川 航
- 連携ユニットリーダー
- 小楠 なつき
- 特別研究員
- 堀部 和也
- 基礎科学特別研究員
- 板尾 健司
- 基礎科学特別研究員