Akiko Hayashi-Takagi

Akiko Hayashi-Takagi, M.D., Ph.D.

Team Leader, Multi-scale Biological Psychiatry
akiko.hayashi-takagi [at] riken.jp

Research Overview

Despite extensive research, psychiatric disorders remain poorly understood. Recent works have identified contributory factors for the disorders to be susceptible gene variants (molecular), synaptopathy (cellular), and alteration in neuronal circuits (circuit), which probably results in behavioral manifestations (individual layer). However, the relationship between each layer remains unknown, which hinders the mechanistic understanding of the disorders. Thus, we aim to gain a constructive understanding of the multi-scale hierarchical nature of the brain. This strategy would causally identify the contributory factors for psychiatric disorders, which could provide the knowledge necessary to establish circuit-centric therapeutics as well as molecular-based drug designs.

Main Research Fields

Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy

Related Research Fields

Biological Sciences / Biology / General Neuroscience / Psychiatric science


Selected Publications

Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.

    1. Hagihara H, Shoji H, Hattori S, Sala G, Takamiya Y, Tanaka M, Ihara M, Shibutani M, Hatada I, Hori K, Hoshino M, Nakao A, Mori Y, Okabe S, Matsushita M, Urbach A, Katayama Y, Matsumoto A, Nakayama KI, Katori S, Sato T, Iwasato T, Nakamura H, Goshima Y, Raveau M, Tatsukawa T, Yamakawa K, Takahashi N, Kasai H, Inazawa J, Nobuhisa I, Kagawa T, Taga T, Darwish M, Nishizono H, Takao K, Sapkota K, Nakazawa K, Takagi T, Fujisawa H, Sugimura Y, Yamanishi K, Rajagopal L, Hannah ND, Meltzer HY, Yamamoto T, Wakatsuki S, Araki T, Tabuchi K, Numakawa T, Kunugi H, Huang FL, Hayata-Takano A, Hashimoto H, Tamada K, Takumi T, Kasahara T, Kato T, Graef IA, Crabtree GR, Asaoka N, Hatakama H, Kaneko S, Kohno T, Hattori M, Hoshiba Y, Miyake R , Obi-Nagata K, Hayashi-Takagi A, Becker LJ, Yalcin I, Hagino Y, Kotajima-Murakami H, Moriya Y, Ikeda K, Kim H, Kaang BK, Otabi H, Yoshida Y, Toyoda A, Komiyama NH, Grant SGN, Ida-Eto M, Narita M, Matsumoto KI, Okuda-Ashitaka E, Ohmori I, Shimada T, Yamagata K, Ageta H, Tsuchida K, Inokuchi K, Sassa T, Kihara A, Fukasawa M, Usuda N, Katano T, Tanaka T, Yoshihara Y, Igarashi M, Hayashi T, Ishikawa K, Yamamoto S, Nishimura N, Nakada K, Hirotsune S, Egawa K, Higashisaka K, Tsutsumi Y, Nishihara S, Sugo N, Yagi T, Ueno N, Yamamoto T, Kubo Y, Ohashi R, Shiina N, Shimizu K, Higo-Yamamoto S, Oishi K, Mori H, Furuse T, Tamura M, Shirakawa H, Sato XD, Inoue UY, Inoue T, Komine Y, Yamamori T, Sakimura K, Miyakawa T.
      “Large-scale animal model study uncovers altered brain pH and lactate levels as a transdiagnostic endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders involving cognitive impairment.”
      Elife. 12, e89376. (2024)
    2. Temma Y, Obi-Nagata K, Hoshiba Y, Miyake R , Katayama Y, Hagihara H, Suzuki N, Miyakawa T, Nakayama KI, Hayashi-Takagi A
      “Effect of brain acidification on depression-related behaviors in diabetes mellitus.”
      Front. Psychiatry. 14, 1277097. (2023)
    3. Obi-Nagata K, Suzuki N, Miyake R , MacDonald ML, Fish KN, Ozawa K, Nagahama K, Okimura T, Tanaka S, Kano M, Fukazawa Y, Sweet RA, Hayashi-Takagi A
      “Distorted neurocomputation by a small number of extra-large spines in psychiatric disorders.”
      Sci. Adv. 9, e5973. (2023)
    4. Hayashi-Takagi A
      “To fire or not to fire: decisions mediated by localized processing and dendritic spikes.”
      Nat Rev Neurosci. 24, 194. (2023)
    5. Hayashi-Takagi A
      “Constructive understanding of multi-scale dynamism of psychiatric disorders.”
      Neurosci Res. 175, 1-2. (2022)
    6. Jo SH, Inoue T, Hayashi-Takagi A
      “Multi-Scale Understanding of NMDA Receptor Function in Schizophrenia.”
      Biomolecules. 10, 1172. (2020)
    7. Tsutsumi S, Hayashi-Takagi A
      “Optical interrogation of multi-scale neuronal plasticity underlying behavioral learning.”
      Curr Opin Neurobiol. 67, 8-15. (2020)
    8. *Kawamura A, Katayama Y, Nishiyama M, Shoji H, Tokuoka K, Ueta Y, Miyata M, Isa T, Miyakawa T, Hayashi-Takagi A, Nakayama KI.
      “Oligodendrocyte dysfunction due to Chd8 mutation gives rise to behavioral deficits in mice.”
      Hum Mol Genet. 29, 1274-1291. (2020)
    9. *Sasaki Y, Oshikawa M, Bharmoria P, Kouno H, Hayashi-Takagi A, Sato M, Ajioka I, Yanai N, Kimizuka N.
      “Near-Infrared Optogenetic Genome Engineering Based on Photon-Upconversion Hydrogels.”
      Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 58, 17827-17833. (2019)
    10. *Obi-Nagata K, Temma Y, Hayashi-Takagi A
      "Synaptic functions and their disruption in schizophrenia: From clinical evidence to synaptic optogenetics in an animal model."
      Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. 95, 179-197. (2019)

Lab Members

Principal investigator

Akiko Hayashi-Takagi
Team Leader

Core members

Shinichiro Tsutsumi
Deputy Team Leader
Isabel Siew Yin Koh
Research Scientist
Norimitsu Suzuki
Technical Staff I
Katsuya Ozawa
Technical Staff I
Yasuko Hisano
Technical Staff I
Miki Satoh
Technical Staff I
Etsuko Ebisui
Technical Staff II
Kisho Obi
Visiting Scientist
Tsukasa Okimura
Visiting Scientist
Kiichiro Isoda
Temporary Staffing