Application guidelines for the Collaborative Technical Development in Data-driven Brain Science

Jan. 21, 2021

Purposes of the Collaboration Research

This program aims at the development of a wide range of technologies that promote data-driven brain science. A vast amount of diverse experimental data is obtained in the brain science research. While the importance of re-using the data and constructing and publicizing databases is pointed out, they are practically quite undeveloped fields, and few researchers are involved. To promote research in this field and foster researchers involved in the research, RIKEN Center for Brain Science (hereinafter referred to as RIKEN CBS) will set up a collaboration research system to develop technologies in the field of data-driven brain science together with researchers in a wide range of fields. The collaboration with CBS laboratories other than Neuroinformatics Unit in the field of data-driven brain science is appreciated, if possible.

Examples of target study

  • Development of standard data format of function data
  • Development of 3D brain structure reconstruction technology from image data
  • Development of brain atlas creation technology
  • Development of database creation technology
  • Development of large scale data analysis technology
  • Development of search system technology across multiple databases
  • Development of functional simulation technology using large scale data

There is a possibility that the collaboration research uses the data accumulated in the Brain/MINDS Project (including those not yet publicized), which RIKEN CBS promotes as the core research institute.

Collaboration research expenses in FY 2021

Up to 2.5 million yen per case (including overhead if it is required), up to 8 cases
Projects selected in FY2020 can be re-submitted in FY2021 if its outcomes are outstanding. When the outcomes are especially outstanding, the collaboration research expenses may increase. However, FY2020 collaboration research expenses cannot be carried over to FY2021.

Application method

Describe the following items, make it a pdf file, and submit it to by e-mail attachment. (Please replace “@” with “@”.). Total of 6 (A4). English.

  1. Subject title
  2. Name, affiliation, phone number, and email and mail addresses of the representative
  3. Outline
  4. Background
  5. Development plan
  6. Preparation status
  7. Prospect of collaboration with CBS laboratories other than the Neuroinfromatics Unit in the field of data-driven brain science, if available.
  8. Research expenses requirements and usage
  9. Academic background since undergraduate and major work experience of the representative
  10. Main achievements of the representative since 2016, including journal and book publications, opened software, and etc.

Application deadline

March 15, 2021 10 pm


  • Researchers working in research institutions, outside RIKEN, in Japan can apply. RIKEN will sign the contract for research collaboration with the representative researcher’s institution in a format specified by RIKEN.
  • Research outcomes from this collaboration research will be in principle shared between the institution of the representative researcher and RIKEN.
  • The representative of each research will submit a report at the end of the fiscal year and present results at the report meeting.
  • Report on the use of collaborative research expenses etc at the end of the fiscal year.
  • Select cooperative research partners for each year.
  • When using data owned by RIKEN CBS or the Brain/MINDS Project for technical development, you must apply after acquiring the agreement of the data owning group.
  • Experiments for data acquisition or construction of databases themselves are not supported.

Contact address (Please replace “@” with “@”.).
Application for Collaboration Research for Brain Science Database Technology Development,
Office of the Center Director,
RIKEN Center for Brain Science