In memory of Charles F. Stevens (1934-2022)

Charles F. Stevens
With deep sympathy for his family, friends and colleagues, the community at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science was greatly saddened by the recent passing of Professor Charles F. "Chuck" Stevens of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. Prof. Stevens was a giant of neuroscience whose broad interests ranged from biophysics, synapse physiology, to the organizational principles of the brain architecture. He was an inspiration to the neuroscience community. With generous and humble personality, he was hugely admired and valued as a scientist, mentor, thinker, and a friend.
Befitting of a man with global vision, personal generosity, and dedication to the growth of science in society, Prof. Stevens played key roles at various stages of the rise to prominence of BSI, the predecessor to CBS. He was a member of the Brain Science Advisory Council in 2011, 2014 and 2016 (acted as Chair in the last two events). His leadership helped to consolidate the research center's scientific direction, then under Director Susumu Tonegawa, and propose the future scope of CBS to stand and contribute to the neuroscience community. While these achievements were a small part of his scientific oeuvre, they were influential for helping BSI/CBS expand its global presence. CBS joins the global research community in remembering a scientist of integrity.