The list of laboratories currently accepting students. Watch the lab videos! More laboratories are ...
01Lab Introduction videos
02List of laboratories currently accepting applications
Name | Lab | Data |
Rei Akaishi | Social Value Decision Making Unit | Lab HP |
Shigeyoshi Fujisawa | Systems Neurophysiology | Lab HP |
Nobutaka Hattori | Neurodegenerative Disorders Collaboration Laboratory | Lab HP |
Akiko Hayashi-Takagi | Multi-scale Biological Psychiatry | Lab HP |
Aya Ito-Ishida | Brain Development and Disorders | Lab HP |
Takuya Isomura | Brain Intelligence Theory Unit | Movie |
Joshua Johansen | Neural Circuitry of Learning and Memory | Movie |
Hiroyuki Kamiguchi | Neural Cell Dynamics | Movie |
Louis Kang | Neural Circuits and Computations Unit |
Lab HP Movie |
Hokto Kazama | Circuit Mechanisms of Sensory Perception | Lab HP |
Thomas McHugh | Circuit and Behavioral Physiology |
Lab HP Movie |
Kentaro Miyamoto | Imagination and Executive Functions | Lab HP |
Adrian Moore | Neurodiversity |
Lab HP Movie |
Masanori Murayama | Haptic Perception and Cognitive Physiology | Lab HP |
Hiroyuki Nakahara | Integrated Theoretical Neuroscience | Lab HP |
Hirofumi Nakatomi | Biomedical Neural Dynamics Collaboration | Movie |
Jun Nagai | Glia-Neuron Circuit Dynamics |
Lab HP Movie |
Lukas Schmitt | Distributed Cognitive Processing | Movie |
Tomomi Shimogori | Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Development | Lab HP |
Atsushi Takata | Molecular Pathology of Psychiatric Disorders |
Lab HP Movie |
Masako Tamaki | Cognitive Somnology RIKEN Hakubi Research Team |
Lab HP1 Lab HP2 |
Motomasa Tanaka | Protein Conformation Diseases | Movie |
Taro Toyoizumi | Neural Computation and Adaptation |
Lab HP Movie |
Yoshihiro Yoshihara | Systems Molecular Ethology | Movie |